BuzzFeed - Another disturbance is planned Friday at the DNC Womenâs Leadership Forum where Clinton will speak, making it the third time in a week that DREAMers will make their presence felt at one of her events. Jassiel Perez/United We Dream, Ethan Miller / Getty Images On the rope line at an event in Iowa last Sunday, three undocumented activists waited to ask Hillary Clinton about the delay of executive actions on immigration. Clinton flashed the group a thumbs up. But when the activists pressed her on the question, Clinton said, "I think we have to elect more Democrats," then kept moving. Two days later, at a benefit in New York featuring Clinton, about six immigration activists interrupted the event, chanting "Undocumented, Unafraid!" Security removed the protesters. Afterward, Clinton took photos with fans and ignored questions from a reporter about the incident. A group of activists have another confrontation planned for Friday morning. The cadre of so-called DREAMers â undocum